د. صلاح عبدالسميع عبدالرازق
مستشار وخبير التدريب الدولى ـ كلية التربية ـ جامعة حلوان ـ مدرب أعضاء هيئة التدريس والقيادات بالجامعات المصرية والعربية

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- دكتوراة
C. V
Personal Information:
Name: Salah Abdelsamie Abdel Razek Elsadek
Contact Information:
Work address: Faculty of Education, Helwan University, Ain-Helwan, Cairo
Email: Salegy67@yahoo.com
- Associate professor at the Curricula and Instruction Department, Faculty of Education, Helwan University.
- Certified Trainer from National center for faculty & leadership development (NCFLD) & International Board of Certified Trainers (IBCT) Middle East & North Africa Division]
- Training Expert at Developing Skills Center at King Saud University, KSA.
- B.A. in Arts and Education, History Department, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University, 1988, Very good with honor.
- Special Diploma in Education, Faculty of Education, Mansours University, 1991, Very good.
- Master's degree in curricula and methods of teaching History, College of Girls (Arts, Science and Education), Ain Shams University, 1996, with general grade"Excellent", Thesis entitled “" Developing the written Questions Formation Skills "
- Doctoral degree (PHD.) in Philosophy of Education "Curriculum and Teaching Methods", Faculty of Education, Zagazig University, in 2000 , Dissertation Entitled " the development of History Curriculum in General Secondary Stage according to the requirements of the Historical Culture"
Publications: Books & Researches
- Abdelsamie S. etal "Social Studies: Facing Environmental Issues" book., first part, Cairo Publication House 2001
- Abdelsamie S. etal "Social Studies and Facing Environmental Issues" book, Second part, Cairo Publication House 2003
- Abdelsamie S. " Developing Skills on the Formation of Written Questions" book, for all the Stages, Cairo Publication House 2002/2003
- Abdelsamie S. "Developing The Curriculum From Ethical Perspective for Developing Education" (Zahraa El Sharak 2004)
- Abdelsamie S. "Computer And Educational Multimedia At Schools" book (Zahraa El Sharak 2004)
- Applying technology to serve the Educational process” as worksheet for the conference of Maser-Elmahrousa Assembly In 2006
- Towards establishing history curriculums at General and university Education stages” as a worksheet presented in a workshop in Sudan, Towards establishing curriculums at General and university Education 2007
أقوم بتدريس

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