Fatimah Bader

- أنثى
- 1993-06-15
- الأردن
- جامعى
-I trained in Al nahil Managment in Languages and Translation Department as Manager, Translation and Marketing Tasks for 3 Mounths (Jan 2014 - Sep 2014). -I translated two novels ( Around The World In Eighty Days, The Baby Sitters Club). -I translated two short Documentaries (How do I choose the right book for me? .... and The Amazing Power of Your Mind) -I have Three Certifications from King Abdullah II Fund in Development ( English Basics, English Conversations, and Successful Engineering ) -I have Two Certifications for Attending a training in Google Apps At YU Google club and Attending and -Completing Google Apps and ADWords workshops at Al Nahil Management consulting & Training Solutions. -I have a Certificate in attending an introduction to Ethical Hacking Workshop which was held in Yarmouk University.- I have a Certificate for attending a work shop from Association of Scientific Translators. - I gave two lectures about subtitling in Yarmouk University. - I have a Certificate in (A1) German Course. - I have a Certificate of Participation in "secrets of Translation" workshop from the Scientific Translators' Association.
أقوم بتدريس
لمدة 4 اسابيع تبدأ 23 سبتمبر 2016